West Auckland Scrap Metal Recycling
Q: How do you pay?
A: payment is made by Internet banking, cheque or cash
Q: What do I need to bring with me when coming to sell scrap metal to you?
A: When selling scrap you need to bring photo identification. This is required by law.
Q: Do you take Fridges and other White Ware products?
A: Yes - We take all white ware products.
Q: Can the public sell to you?
A: Yes - we buy scrap metal direct from the public as well as from businesses.
Q: What type of metal products do you take?
A: We take most metal products. If you have any questions about any metal products that you have lying around your home or business please contact us.
Q: Will you collect scrap metal from my house or business?
A: Yes - but we do have minimum collection amounts. Contact us in Auckland for more info. Phone 0800 359 359